Friday, March 5, 2010

Why is Anwar Ibrahim STILL the opposition leader?

Umno Youth chief Khairy Jama luddin said this was because Parti Keadilan Rakyat no longer held the majority among the Opposition following the defection of several MPs.

He said political convention dictated that the opposition party with the most number of seats in Dewan Rakyat should have the honour of having one of their MPs become the Opposition Leader.

Source: The Star Online

Sometimes you just want to ask this fellow to put a sock in it. Seriously, KJ; this is the reason why Anwar is still the Opposition leader. He holds the popular vote, not the majority vote.

All because one holds the majority vote, does not mean they can lead effectively. Instead, a popular leader may have the charisma and the personality to hold various entities together because he becomes a point of reference; much like a light-house during a storm.

Obviously, KJ is not the popular or majority vote.

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Malaysia should only have TWO political parties to accomplish 1Malaysia.

The PM has called for all to accept our differences and to celebrate Malaysia's diversity. It is a call to move forward from just being tolerant and to acceptance. It must be noted that at the beginning of the nation's creation there was a sense of acceptance of the nation's diversity, yet it was politics that changed everything.

PETALING JAYA: Total acceptance of Malaysia's diversity - that's what we need to move forward, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

The Prime Minister said Malaysians should move from being merely tolerant to accepting fully the country's rich cultural and racial diversity to become united, harmonious and prosperous.

"We started with the paradigm of tolerance. We say that we tolerate or we live in a society which is tolerant of one another.

"But under the concept of 1Malaysia, being tolerant of each other is just the beginning," he said at Sin Chew and Guang Ming Daily's Chinese New Year open house yesterday.

Source: The Star Online.

In order for acceptance to truly take root in Malaysia, first and foremost; the political environment needs to change. All race based parties should be abolished and instead Malaysia should have two parties, Government and Opposition.

Whoever holds goverment, has the right to call themselves the Government and the other group shall be called Opposition. Should the Opposition take government, then they would be called Government and the previous Government will be called Opposition.

Makes life easy, doesn't it?

A change in politics is the way to go, if Malaysia is to truly move forward and be a society of acceptance and not mere tolerance towards one another. And that means, we all need to be open to the idea that the world comprises of people from different backgrounds, and that everyone has equal rights to pursue success in whatever field they choose.

No one ethnic group should be push aside in favor for another, instead equal opportunity should be given and allowed for. Then truly, we would be able to accept one another.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Protest note causes emotional response.

KUALA LUMPUR: About 500 people protested outside the Australian High Commission here against interference by Australian MPs in the sodomy trial of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

They carried banners criticising the action of the 50 Australian MPs who signed and handed over a protest note to the Malaysian High Commission in Canberra on Thursday.

Leading the noisy but non-violent protest here were Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, his deputy Datuk Razali Ibrahim, Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club deputy chairman Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin, Perkasa president and Pasir Mas MP Datuk Ibrahim Ali, Makkal Sakhthi's R. Thanenthiran and MIC Youth chief T. Mohan.

After about 30 minutes, Khairy and the others were invited in to meet High Commissioner Penny Williams at about 10.35am.

People from various political parties and organisations holding placards and banners demonstrating outside the Australian High Commission in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. They were protesting against the interference of 50 Australian MPs, who signed and handed over a protest note to the Malaysian High Commission in Canberra against the sodomy charges faced by Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. - AZHAR MAHFOF / The Star

Full Article: The Star Online

It was a protest note. A protest note and that is deemed as interference by the Australian MPs? It is clear that this matter is over-blown and taken totally out of proportion.

What then about the super-fly news coverage of the trial that skews the truth before the truth has even been revealed?

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Billboard politics

KLANG: The removal of a giant billboard welcoming Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to Pandamaran near here for the national-level Chinese New Year celebrations received more criticism yesterday.

Selangor Umno information chief Abdul Shukor Idrus said the state government had ordered the Klang Municipal Council (MPK) to remove the billboard.

"This is a blatant show of disrespect to the prime minister," he added, as the billboard was put up to acknowledge Najib's impending visit to Klang.

Article: The Star

Stuff like this makes the news..always a case of ruling government against the opposition.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Dr. M at it again

Dr M panned over statement

PETALING JAYA: The statement by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad that the Sept 11 attack was “staged” could not come at a worse time when the nation is facing its own issues, says the Merdeka Centre.

Its director Ibrahim Suffian said Dr Mahathir’s statement did not help with the country’s image at a time of religious tension.

Source: The Star Online.

Don't you just love this man. He still takes a swipe at the powers that be and I must say, you have to admire his bravado.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Court to decide on use of word.

It's up to the courts to decide on the use of the word Allah by the catholic publication The Herald. No doubt this has stock some sentiments from the muslim community in Malaysia, clearly shown when about 30 NGOs submitted a memorandum to the Prime Minister concerning the court's decision. The PM has called for calm among muslims in the country and I hope it will be like that, or else; what form of example muslims would show if a few bad apples run amok?

I like the comment by the former National Fatwa Council chairman Datuk Dr Ismail Ibrahim on this matter. It's good to have leaders who are able to comment on the broader issue at hand;

However, Ismail said Muslims must accept with an open heart whatever decisions made by the court and whatever perceptions made by the general public on the word Allah and its different concepts.

“They should strengthen their faith and knowledge so that they are not easily affected by any interpretations or challenges that may come from time to time.

“The kind of resistance by Muslims in the country towards this challenge is very important in maintaining their tolerance and openness while not compromising their faith and religion,” he added.

He said the morality and dignity of Muslims should not be jeopardised because of a few court decisions because courts have the liberty to interpret the laws and if it concerned a subjective matter, several stages of decision-makings will be involved.

“The concern that this matter would confuse the young Muslims should be a motivation factor for Muslim scholars to strengthen their agenda in order to give a better understanding about the religion to fellow Muslims,” he added.

Article: sun2surf

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Time to write...

I've been keeping quiet in this section of the blogosphere. Partly because I got disgusted at the state of matters in Malaysia. The same old problems keep swirling around with no solution in sight. Every year brings about the same issues and yet no real solution in sight. Corruption is still a problem, but then as a friend pointed out; corruption in our sights may not be corruption at all. Given the asian habit of giving gifts to their leaders. So corruption in the view of many may not be corruption but rather abuse of power.

So as of this new year, I hope to have the heart again to write and comment about the stuff in Malaysia.

So keep me in sight. I'll be writing again.

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