The new UMNO reality, beyond the rhetoric.
Reports on Malaysiakini and MSM seems to point to a nervous UMNO, tittering on the point of implosion. Party members are nervous and given the right conditions, the herd mentality would set in and there would be resignations on an unprecedented scale.
The cracks are appearing and the only thing missing is the spark that would set the herd stampeding. Tun Mahathir and wife have left. Who would follow?
Yes, there is a crisis as Anwar Ibrahim mentioned in a Malaysiakini report.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s decision to quit as a lifetime member of Umno is an indication that the crisis within the party is worsening, said PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.
Source: Malaysiakini
UMNO has to face a new reality. The rhetorical manner of their leaders does not hold much water. During Tun's time, what he said goes and Tun pushed ahead a lot of things. What has Pak Lah done?
Pak Lah instituted the "rhetorical stance" - say anything and the party will listen even if you never carry it through; don't worry UMNO will still support you. He said it again by claiming that the 3 million members of UMNO would stay on to keep the party strong. But Pak Lah fail to realize that no-one would like to stay on board a ship destined to hit the ice-berg. People would support the party yet still leave it if it would bring about what they desire. If enough people are convince that Pak Lah is the reason for UMNO's woes then the quit-game would kick into play and I believe this will happen. Whatever Pak Lah does in the next few days would determine this.
Najib has been silent all the way through, only commenting that if Tun wanted to quit then it was his decision to do so. So Najib is playing the wait and see game and he is watching Pak Lah. In fact, we should all watch who would come along side Pak Lah. What Tun Mahathir has effectively done is to force members of UMNO to make a choice. Are you for Pak Lah or against him? Bear in mind most of the UMNO branches have voiced their unhappiness with Pak Lah, would these groups take the lead in quitting first?
The new reality for UMNO is it is no longer strong.