Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The new UMNO reality, beyond the rhetoric.

Reports on Malaysiakini and MSM seems to point to a nervous UMNO, tittering on the point of implosion. Party members are nervous and given the right conditions, the herd mentality would set in and there would be resignations on an unprecedented scale.

The cracks are appearing and the only thing missing is the spark that would set the herd stampeding. Tun Mahathir and wife have left. Who would follow?

Yes, there is a crisis as Anwar Ibrahim mentioned in a Malaysiakini report.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s decision to quit as a lifetime member of Umno is an indication that the crisis within the party is worsening, said PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Source: Malaysiakini

UMNO has to face a new reality. The rhetorical manner of their leaders does not hold much water. During Tun's time, what he said goes and Tun pushed ahead a lot of things. What has Pak Lah done?


Monday, May 19, 2008

The Great One has Left the building and it ain't Elvis!

The great One has left the building and folks I am not talking about Elvis (that dude's dead though he was sighted in Memphis), I'm talking about our very own, Tun Mahathir and he has left UMNO.

From Malaysiakini:

Former Umno president Dr Mahathir Mohamad today announced that he was quitting the party with immediate effect and urged other members to emulate him.

Source: Malaysiakini

From The Star:

Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad announced Monday at 12.35pm that he is quitting Umno, citing a lack of confidence in the current leadership.

He said this during a talk here on Monday.

He has been critical of his appointed successor Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, blaming the current Umno president for the party's disappointing performance in the 12th general election.

Source: The Star


Friday, May 16, 2008

The Rule of being Bias

Don't pee into the wind. Yup, I heard that one before and logically speaking you shouldn't do it. Neither should you attempt to throw sh*t at a ceiling fan. Not good, not good.

The RULE of BEING BIAS - what I do, you cannot do.

So when Karpal Singh made his thoughts known concerning the role of the Sultan of Perak in the appointment of it's religious department head, some people went bonkers and decided to act as defenders of the crown. A clear case of "If I do it, it's ok but if you do it, cannot!"

So when UMNO was up in arms with the Sultan of Terengganu, is was spun as if UMNO was the defender of the people. Heck, they even protested during the Mentri Besar swearing in and called the Sultan of Terengganu names.

The head of UMNO should be caught under the Sedition Act 1948 for inciting his followers to revolt against the Crown; for the Sultan of Terengganu is the Agong of Malaysia.

There is now a police report against the PM for his role in that sad incident, as reported by Malaysiakini:

Pemuda PAS yang diwakili setiausahanya Ahmad Sabki Yusof pula berharap orang Umno tidak mempolitikkan isu Karpal.

"Mereka ini jangan main politik. Imbas semula perlakuan mereka (di Terengganu).

"Lihat bagaimana Adun-adun Umno yang terang-terang menolak pelantikan (Ahmad) yang dibuat Sultan. Ini menunukkan sikap berpura-pura pemimpin mereka.

"Mereka mendakwa kononnya memperjuangkan kedaulatan Raja-raja Melayu. Sedangkan mereka juga mempertikaikannya," katanya.

Source: Malaysiakini


Thursday, May 15, 2008

We will never be a First World Country cause our politicians are third world.

As we seek to be a First World Country, things must change and change is not something most people are willing to take. Change itself means moving out of the comfort zone and venturing into territory we have never explored. When Pakatan Rakyat won Penang, they embark on moves to change the style of governance and in a very gentlemen way, they brought in "enemies" to help govern. Something straight from Sun Tzu's classic thesis on the Art of War. If they are capable, bring them into your team.

Lim Guan Eng made a great step by announcing that he was now bringing in a former UMNO man into his team to help govern Penang. But this move has stirred a hornets nest among UMNO. It seems you can leave UMNO but UMNO will never leave you alone.

Sounds so much better in BM as Malaysiakini reports:

"Dia tidak membuat kerja tetapi sebaliknya mahu Umno berpecah-belah dan menimbulkan suasana tidak harmoni dalam kalangan penyokong dan ahli.

"Saya cabar, jika benar ada pemimpin Umno yang telah menyertai kerajaan negeri, Lim umumkan nama pemimpin tersebut untuk pengetahuan umum.

"Beliau tidak perlu bersembunyi atau merahsiakannya jika apa yang dicakapkan itu benar. Usah membuat orang ramai menjadi keliru," katanya kepada Malaysiakini hari ini.

Source: Malaysiakini

Why so "keliru" (confuse)? Whether or not Lim announce the name, UMNO will still go on the witch-hunt, UMNO will still play big bully. Tun Mahathir was right all along when he said that UMNO now practices a culture of shutting-up their own people, of repression and of denial.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Do not anger The King-makers please. UMNO don't get it

Semenanjung political parties especially big brother himself, UMNO don't get it. If you want to remain in power, do not anger your counterparts in Sabah and Sarawak. It is akin to shooting one's self in the foot, stomach and head at the same time. Yes, Sabah has UMNO but all Anwar needs to do is tell the Sabah MPs that they now have a chance to kick the invaders off their state and that is what UMNO is viewed as, an invader bent on plundering the riches of Sabah. Why do you think Sarawak has always made it clear that it is a no-UMNO-zone?

As reported on Malaysiakini:

Among others, a backbencher tells his counterparts from Sabah and Sarawak to stop complaining over their lack of representation in the cabinet.

Source: Malaysiakini

So when you go about telling The King-makers to keep quiet, you will in turn be silenced.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

No power to persecute - Malaysian Commission on Anti-Corruption (MCAC) a farce

Were we really overjoyed when we heard that an independent Malaysian Commission on Anti-Corruption (MCAC) would be setup? Well, promises have been made before (4 years ago) and the MCAC will go down as just another farce of a promise.

Malaysiakini reports:

The government has no plans to give the soon-to-be established independent Malaysian Commission on Anti-Corruption (MCAC) any prosecution powers, the Dewan Rakyat was told today.

Source: Malaysiakini

No persecuting power? Decision to persecute rest with the Attorney General (AG) and we all know where the AG goes to be correct, correct, correct. So is the commission independent?


Friday, May 9, 2008

Why can't the BN-government trust Malaysians?

UPDATE: RPK released at 9.30 am this morning.

It seems the police force is the silver bullet to solve all your problems. They "arrest" bloggers who light candles, use military grade C4, ransacking houses for computers and blog postings and (if needed be) give you the occasional black eye.

Malaysiakini reports:

Two police reports have been lodged against Bukit Gelugor DAP MP Karpal Singh over his alleged seditious remark against the Sultan of Perak.

Source: Malaysiakini
Folks, the PM mentioned the people were angry at Karpal Singh for what he said, it was the people's prompting that made him ask his UMNO rep to lodge a police report and on MSM we see pro-UMNO dudes lining up at the police station to lodge their reports. PM say its the people' will to see Karpal Singh in police custody for speaking words bordering on "seditious".

But are we really angry or is it just a select few (trying to win points with the rakyat) that are trumpeting a storm in a teacup?


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Who wants to be the Next Malaysian Jail-Bird?

Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK) still refuses to meet visitors as reported by Malaysiakini :

Malaysia Today webmaster Raja Petra Kamaruddin - presently in jail for refusing to pay bail - has cut off all contact with the outside world including his own wife, Marina Lee Abdullah.

Source: Malaysiakini

Some have coined RPK as the Malaysian Mahatma Gandhi; there are similarities in their stance towards injustice and this is an admirable title to give RPK but I think he rather be known as RPK - the Malaysian.

Who's next on the list of people most likely to be sent to jail?

No, these are not celebrities who want to do a Paris Hilton stint. This is the government going on a witch-hunt, flaunting the Sedition Act in our faces and they are doing this using tax-payers money. And folks, tax-payers money is going to this form of idiotic debate in parliament as reported by Malaysiakini:

Seorang ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN) hari ini mencadangkan agar kerajaan mengemukakan usul di Dewan Rakyat bagi membincangkan tindakan Karpal Singh (DAP-Bukit Gelugor) mempertikaikan titah Yang di-Pertuan Agong semasa perasmian persidangan parlimen minggu lalu.

Source: Malaysiakini


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Politics of Silence - kill the messengers

Raja Petra Kamaruddin has chosen to remain silent in a literal sense. He refuses to see anyone and has not been in contact with his wife, family or friends. As reported by Malaysiakini:

Malaysia Today webmaster Raja Petra Kamaruddin - presently in jail for refusing to pay bail - has refused to have any contact with anyone including his own wife, Marina Lee Abdullah.

Source: Malaysiakini

RPK's choice has to be respected. If it really his choice that he wants to remain in prison until the trial date in October, then we should respect that choice. History records that passive resistance brought independence to the nation of India and it was through the sheer effort of one man - Mahatma Gandhi.

Both Mahatma Gandhi and RPK are messengers and in both cases the empire tried or is trying to break their resolve.


Big Brother sent Innocent Man to jail

Good old Uncle Kit raise up the issue of Raja Petra Kamaruddin's detention for sedition yesterday in parliament and his remarks were aimed at Najib Tun Razak (DPM) and his wife Rosmah (WDPM) and their use of the police force to do their bidding.

Opps! Will I be charge for sedition if I mention their names on my blog?

Malaysiakini reports:

Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur), ketika membahaskan titah diraja, mengkritik timbalan perdana menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak dan isterinya, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor yang didakwanya "telah menyalahguna undang-undang" menyebabkan Raja Petra dituduh menghasut.

Source: Malaysiakini

In fact let's all try an experiment. Let's all blog about the Altantuya case (which is still ongoing) and put up our ideas on what the hell is going on with the case. I'm sure we can help the courts in their deliberations into the case that has now turned into a circus of sorts.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Raja Petra Kamaruddin chooses jail rather than bail

He's the Man!  Photo @ Malaysiakini

Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK) chooses to go to jail rather than post bail. Malaysiakini reports that RPK forgo the chance to walk away if post RM5,000, instead he is sitting it out at Sungai Buloh jail.

Malaysia Today news portal webmaster Raja Petra Kamaruddin was today charged with sedition at the Petaling Jaya Sessions Court over an article which he wrote in his website.

Source: Malaysiakini
Join the SAVE RAJA PETRA CAMPAIGN, it only takes RM1 to make our stand against this injustice.

For fellow bloggers get your copy of the SEDITION ACT 1948; read through it and see what is being used against RPK. This is an act that was put into place by our colonial fore-fathers (the British) in 1948 to stop any seditious statements against the government of the day and it is still in place, used and abused by the present government.

It is time that bloggers and concern citizens alike demand justice for an innocent man is sitting in a jail-cell defending for highlighting an injustice done to a foreigner on Malaysian soil. He is shouldering the cause to see that Altantuya would not be forgotten nor forsaken the justice that is due to her.

And reading through the Act, I am wondering whether any of the pro-gomen bloggers would be hauled up? Cause reading in between the lines, any blogger that comments against the present government is liable to be hauled up for sedition.

So we may harp for freedom of speech but are we truly free to speak?

Raja Petra Kamaruddin - the People's Hero

Malaysiakini reports that Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK) has been ordered to be in court at 9.30am today, most likely to answer charges for sedition.

Malaysiakini reports:

Raja Petra Kamaruddin, the webmaster of news portal Malaysia Today, will be charged tomorrow for sedition at the Magistrates' Court in the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex in Jalan Duta.

Source: Malaysiakini

And in Bahasa Malaysia:

Raja Petra Kamaruddin, pengendali blog Malaysia Today, akan dihadapkan di Mahkamah Majistret Kuala Lumpur di Jalan Duta esok atas tuduhan menghasut.

"Saya telah diarahkan supaya menyerah diri di Mahkamah Majistret Jalan Duta pada jam 9.30 pagi esok...untuk diakwa atas tuduhan menghasut," katanya malam ini.

Source: Malaysiakini

RPK was not surprise by this, in fact he expected this all along as indicated by his postings on his blog - Malaysia-Today in his posting "What is Islam?".


Monday, May 5, 2008

Press Freedom or a free press?

Abolish Laws for Press Freedom screams the headlines on a Malaysiakini report. But what do we really want? Press Freedom or a Free Press?

Even with abolishment of press laws would our journalists truly be free to report on happenings in Malaysia? Or would we see more journalists being detained under the Sedition Act or ISA? In other countries, journalists have been murdered for speaking out against their governments or some just simply disappear.

Are we willing to pay the price for a free press?


Anwar makes TIMES 100 and MCA launches Anwar smear campaign.

Anwar Ibrahim made the TIMES 100 Most Influential People list, coming in a respectable 85 overall and number 9 on the Leaders and Revolutionaries section. Not bad when you consider the fact that in his home country he is demonize by those from the ruling government. Here's a report by Malaysiakini:

Penasihat PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dinobatkan sebagai seorang daripada 100 tokoh paling berpengaruh di dunia oleh sebuah majalah terkenal.

Keputusan itu dibuat berdasarkan undian secara dalam talian majalah mingguan antarabangsa Time.

Tokoh-tokoh tersebut dibahagikan dalam lima kategori: pemimpin dan revolusioner, hero dan perintis, ahli sains dan pemikir, seniman dan penghibur, serta jurubina dan titan.

Seratus tokoh paling berpengaruh dipilih daripada 207 tokoh yang dicalonkan.

Dalam majalah itu, Anwar digambarkan sebagai pemimpin Islam yang memperjuangkan sikap toleransi, demokrasi dan hak-hak asasi manusia.

Source: Malaysiakini

MCA obviously did not read the TIMES otherwise they wouldn't have so much to say to the people of Penang about Anwar.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Free Press says MCA...a call too late?

Why MCA waited this long to make a stand on press freedom? I am a bit skeptical such statements would carry weight. Malaysiakini reported that Datuk Ong Ka Ting called for doing away of yearly press permit renewals for printed media.

Katanya, MCA menyokong cadangan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar untuk menyemak semula peruntukan membaharui permit akhbar setiap tahun

Ong berkata, undang-undang yang ada sudah mencukupi untuk mengawalselia media cetak.

Oleh itu, katanya, langkah menyemak semula keperluan membaharui permit setiap tahun, pastinya mencerminkan komitmen kerajaan terhadap kebebasan akhbar di negara ini.

Source: Malaysiakini

Would it make any difference? It merely means that newspapers would not have to comply to government guidelines in order to win approval to print but the majority holders of main stream media are still government linked.


Friday, May 2, 2008


Total respondence: 344

YES : 279 (81%)
NO : 45 (13%)
CONCLUSION : A resounding "YES" for Anwar Ibrahim to take over as PM within the next three (3) years. 

Thanks for taking part.


Yea! Tun Mahathir, blogger elite!

Malaysiakini carried the report that Tun Mahathir has launch his own blog "Dr. Mahathir Mohamad" (www.chedet.com) and what does his first posting talk about? The Appointment of Judges.

"Adakah suruhanjaya ini akan melantik sendiri hakim-hakim atau adakah ia hanya mencadangkan nama-nama untuk persetujuan PM, atau adakah suruhanjaya itu mencadangkan (nama-nama) terus kepada (Yang di-Pertuan) Agong supaya baginda dapat menggunakan kuasa istimewanya (melantik hakim)?" katanya.

"Atau perlukah Agong menunggu perkenan Majlis Raja-raja Melayu? Atau Majlis Raja-raja hanya memberi nasihat seperti amalan sekarang?

"Atau Raja-raja berhak menolak calon (hakim), dan meminta calon-calon baru atau menamakan calon baru yang menjadi pilihan mereka?"

Source: Malaysiakini

So will we see Pak Lah starting his own blog?

It's truly amazing that a year ago, bloggers were rebels with a cause. We were misfits, demonized in main-stream-media, called liars, goblok by one senior politician and threaten with all sorts of funny rules like registration of blogs and even censorship. What a world of difference one general election can bring about.

Now, having a blog is the in-thing among politicians. It cool to have a blog. It looks great to have it imprinted on your name-card and probably a great thing to brag about. Folks, lets see how long this will last because starting a blog and keeping it fresh are two different things.

Honestly, I think Tun M will have the perseverance to keep his blog fresh and updated because he has a willing audience and enough stories to tell us. Furthermore, he doesn't have to comply to anyone's whims. He is free to speak whatever he wants and he will get away with it. 

Take the other big-wigs, MM Taib, Ali Rustam or Khir Toyo. Yes, they can blog but can they keep it up since whatever they post would receive equal amount of flames from party members and party critics. Do they command enough credibility to survive the backlash from their own postings? I don't think they will survive as long as Tun M would. There's just so much love that can be passed around and I think a lot of it would go Tun M's way. Besides that, Tun M has enough spunk to argue in your face about what he posts. That alone will make interesting reading.

I had my fair share of flames, I've been called a m*****f*****, my father's been called a dog and some angry racist dude keeps hogging my comments and all that within this month alone. I have been cautioned on allowing these comments to appear as they are on this blog but I believe that to each their own. We are all responsible for our words and eventually we all have to answer to a higher power.
So I welcome Tun M into the circle of Malaysian bloggers, I've been blogging since 2003 and it is great to see such an influential figure in the Malaysian blogging scene. Besides RPK, Tun M is now that blogger to watch. 

It'll be great to see the two of them talk about freedom of speech or the relevance of new media in nation building. For once, I think the two would have a lot to agree on.


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