Michael Johns Eliminated from American Idol | Malaysian Sentinel : Malaysia's Politics from a Malaysian Citizen Blogger

Friday, April 11, 2008

Michael Johns Eliminated from American Idol

Ok, I'm gona move away from politic bashing, cause it's freaking bad that my favorite rocker in the American Idol contest is OUT!

Michael Johns is OUT! 

Yes folks, the Aussie was sent home. 

I can name a few others who should have been shown the door... America clearly got it wrong this time - much like the Iraq war and having Miley Cyrus singing more than ONCE on the show. Don't they get bored of her? She's everywhere...

This guy is old-school rock, much like Bono or Sting. He's has that cool factor when singing, which I believe every singer should have.

Note: That 17 year old will win American Idol 2008.


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